About Me

Living in the Caribbean is probably like living anywhere else, with the same ups and downs. But it does have its own vibe and flavour and gives me a unique perspective on most things. I'm often sarcastic, mostly funny, always looking for a new adventure. I have not boxed myself into any one category of life. I love a lot of things and dislike a lot more. I write about them all.

Penis on the Train and other Funny Weekend Moments

Nicki Minaj rocks this orange wig. Hot! Photo credit: Thirsty Roots Something is wrong with me. Why was I awake at 8.00am on a Sunday, especially considering that I have not had a full night's sleep in a few days, that I was up at the crack of dawn yesterday to keep my salon appointment, and that I was out late last night? I really do not appreciate you, internal alarm! So as I mentioned at the...

Visiting the Queen and Rocking the Runway

In all the time I have been here, I had not yet been to Windsor. Now you know I have a special relationship with the royal family, having been part of the royal wedding earlier this year. I loved Windsor and I had a great time. Being in London all the time makes you appreciate everything outside of London even more, especially a town as beautiful as Windsor. The tour of Windsor Castle was amazing,...

Norway Reminds Me...

Memorial for those who lost their lives in 1990 Photo credit: Newsday When one thinks of Norway, one does not automatically think of strife and political upheaval. I usually think of pristine snow capped mountains and serenity. The horror which they had to face in the past few days is so foreign to not only the Norwegian people but to the world looking on. When one thought of Trinidad and Tobago...

Pinterest - Pin What???

So when I started using Pinterest, I was like...what the hell is this? How is this supposed to be interesting? What's the point? Who came up with this? I just could not see the point. But after using it for a while, I have seen the point. Pinterest is like an online/digital scrapbook, where you can "pin" things that interest you - hence the name. Duh. However, I would describe it as a great resource...

Saturday Girls' Fun in London

Nature at Kew Gardens On what was surely the hottest day this city has seen in weeks yes, I was in bed, laptop desk and laptop in full effect, transcribing interviews. Well, one interview. I had done the others during the week and left this one for last as it was the longest and from memory, the most convoluted. Tedious is not the word to describe the process of transcribing interviews. I don't...

Silent Sunday: Natural Beauty


Can You Handle the Truth about Me?

Happy Friday everybody. Now I am really terrible with awards. I get so many of these awesome awards from so many great bloggers and then I am so busy or just forget and the awards go unrecognised. I apologise belatedly and in advance. I have received the Versatile Blogger Award from the lovely Chasing Joy. Please go over and visit her blog. I am supposed to tell you seven things about myself. Well,...

The Great Mother/Non-Mother Divide...and Pyjamas

So someone took offence to this post.  That's fine but I have a few things to say here, because it irks me...irritates me to quote said reader. I am not a mother. My mother is eager for some more grandkids, but I have other priorities in my life right now. Some of my best friends are parents and I think it is a wonderful thing. Truly beautiful. But...being a mother does not somehow...

Just a Little Bit of Bling Porn

I heart bling! Bling. I love bling. I also love shoes and handbags and really great clothes, but I love jewellery. It’s funny that when people think of bling, they think of some tricked out, overly frosted, overdone person. That being said, I really loathe that look – rings on every finger, thick, heavy chains, with obscenely large pendants. It’s a trend especially among black men and it really...

Wordless Wednesday - Weird Guilty Pleasure


You Should Be Slapped For Doing These

There are no words to describe how boring transcribing is So working on my dissertation at the moment is…how can I say this? Boring. It’s not fun, kids. It’s tedious. I don’t do tedious. I start daydreaming. I think of random things. And these were the random thoughts today – random things that annoy me to varying extents.I really hate people who leave plastic on new furniture. It really makes...

When a Bra is NOT sexy

Plastic bra straps are a NO! Just don't do it! This video (below) on being sexy, without being slutty, was too funny. But behind every joke there is always some level of seriousness. I agree with the four rules described in the video - show either legs or cleavage, not both draw attention to your best feature with accessories, don't wear very tight clothes but the NUMBER ONE rule - don't show...

A Squashed Social Life

When I woke up this morning, it was not good. Not good at all. I dragged myself to the bathroom, took a shower and went down to get myself some breakfast so I could pump drugs into my system. I am funny like that. Not about pumping drugs into my system, but about breakfast. I cannot, most times, eat breakfast without first having a shower. I guess I can add that to my list of neuroses - must be clean...

Why I'm a Great Catch

I was having a chat with a friend of the male variety last night, over some hummus (I love that I can just go to Tesco and buy any variety I want without having to make it myself), and he asked the million dollar question: Why are you single? Well, buddy, if I could give you an answer, I would have. I can probably say maybe it's my bad habit of rolling my eyes at men who try to impress me, or the...

Maxi Friday

Earlier this week, with some inspiration from the awesome CP, I bravely wore one of my maxi dresses out and about in London. Since "summer" began, I had not worn any dresses because the weather has been less than summery. I had worn one earlier - in April - when the weather was well and truly hot. However, the erratic summer has not instilled any confidence in me. But I have decided to give the other...

140 characters will never be enough...

Retweeted the truth this afternoon: Step away from social media. Real life is more important.I am online a lot only cause I am on my laptop a lot. I am currently in the throes of the joys of interview transcription and God knows I could use a distraction from that.  But I don't have this overwhelming sensation to tweet all day or do a gazillion challenges or try every new thing. Sometimes I actually...

Trini Fabulousity Hits Project Runway

Trini girl, Anya Ayoung Chee Photo credit: Project Runway/Lifetime One of the shows I would not miss when I was back home, was Project Runway. Loved the show. It was fashion, but without being annoying (can someone say America's Next Top Model and Tyra Banks? Wow...that Tyra was really in love with herself). So to learn recently that this season, there would be a Trini among the 20 new designers...

Wordless Wednesday: Summer Cherry Love


Thinking about the Afterlife (lol)

I am sitting in my room, desperately trying not to cry over my dissertation (well, maybe "cry" is an exaggeration, but I am in slight panic mode) which is always at the top of my mind. If you think going out is at the top of my mind, you are very wrong.  I go out to actually forget about the challenges I am facing with this dissertation. I doubt I am supposed to sit and sulk in my room about...

Fashion Musings by Trininista

Yesterday's day out sparked a few OMG moments in my rational fashion mind and I just wanted to express just a few fashion musings today. 1. Try as much as possible to always put on a great show...or at least a decent show. I love colour contrasts. You should too. Looking good should not just be because you want to impress someone. It should be about how you feel and about feeling good about yourself....

The "Me" Day That Wasn't

The official mascot for my blog - Pablo! Firstly, special thanks to EVERYONE who visited me and commented on my blog on my SITS Day. I cannot tell you how overwhelmed I was by your kind words about my little old blog. I have been really trying to visit everyone who commented/followed but it is a work in progress.If you have not seen me on your blog yet, have no fear - I will get there. Eventually....

Single and Fabulous?

Single and Fabulous? Is it possible to be both? Hell yeah! This evening, I was watching some simply prehistoric episodes of Sex and The City. This episode, "They Shoot Single People, Don't They?" was not only amusing but I am sure so many single people can relate. Carrie agrees to do a shoot for a cover story, and she has a late night and gets to the studio disheveled and ungroomed, but the photographer...

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