About Me

Living in the Caribbean is probably like living anywhere else, with the same ups and downs. But it does have its own vibe and flavour and gives me a unique perspective on most things. I'm often sarcastic, mostly funny, always looking for a new adventure. I have not boxed myself into any one category of life. I love a lot of things and dislike a lot more. I write about them all.

Kitchen Porn: Cajun Chicken Frittata

My frittata essentials  So I came back from vacation and hit a blogging slump and a life slump. It always happens. The high experienced over 3 weeks as a result of unbridled freedom and excitement, is shot from the heavens by the bullets of reality – early mornings, enslavement to the utilitarian laptop at your desk, dry phrases and jargon, meetings, daily routine, schedules. Yep. Reality...

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