I just want to go back briefly to my Friday experience with my P90X DVD. I really have to give BIG kudos to whoever came up with the concept for the Polymetrics DVD. What's so special about it you ask? Well, there were 2 test group guys - 2 regular guys. But one of them had a prosthetic leg. I totally applauded him for being such a fitness star and not letting it hinder his physical activity. But lemme tell you, superstar or not, when I felt the burn, I said to myself, If this dude with one leg can do this ish, why am I sitting, breathing hard on my fitness ball? Nah man. He inspires a new and special kinda shame in you that you just HAVE to pick yourself up and push til the end. I know without a doubt if the one-legged dude was not in that DVD, I would have hit the Stop button after the warm up. lol. I cannot remember his name now but thanks buddy.
The gym was a total zoo yesterday. I guess everyone who could not be bothered to go over the long weekend thought it would be a good idea to try to work off the chips and beers from the various long weekend activities. I hate going to the gym when it is that crowded and I was not a happy camper. Especially when this one woman and her trainer thought it would be cool to do her personal training, which required her to go from machine to machine after a set. I am there, sitting on the hip adductor machine, pushing weight, and she comes up to ask me if I am almost finished. WTF! No, I am not. Oh, she wants to do her set. How is that my problem? I started to wonder if I had free membership and was at the mercy of paying members or something. She stayed there and stood over me, almost rushing me to get off. I was annoyed to say the least. Do this kinda thing when the gym is empty, not when everyone else is jamming you up for equipment. I mean, I try to be considerate and not take extended breaks when I know other people are waiting, but she was just ridiculous and annoying. She just had to wait, and that was that. I had an obligation to my hips that I had to keep.
Today is my last work day for the week. Can I get a woot!woot!?
i hate the zoo gym days, Mondays are the worse at my gym. But i quietly ignorant when one of the gym rats come harassing me to come off the machine i tell them yeah yeah i have one more set, then do it slow, take a break find a good song on my ipod. Listen it have other machines in the gym you dont have to use this machine at this time the world will not end if u have to use another machine. I have alot of gym rage. and then it more irriates me when they get the machine and they lifting one weight and doing it wrong.
ReplyDeleteI have gym rage as well and came to this realisation yesterday, especially when you are waiting for a machine and one of the posers idling on it, talking to fellas. Just get off and take your romance to the side, please. This is why I love going on Friday afternoons. It may seem sad and anti-social to be in a gym on a Friday instead of in a bar somewhere, but this is why. lol.