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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Down, New Year to Come

Had a lot of vino over the holidays. Too much!!
Well, Christmas has come and gone in a flurry of activities and it was a good time. I have family visiting from various locations around the world and it was nice to spend some time with them. My nephew was a cranky one on the day, having attempted to be a grown up on Christmas Eve - staying up late - and then being sleepy and super cranky, almost Chucky-like on the day. But by night time, he was my sweet, lovable little boy once more. That surely made up for any bad behaviour earlier in the day.

The Christmas excess for everyone was very real, and so I made a conscious decision that while everyone was hungover, unable to wake up or doubled over a toilet on Boxing Day, I would rise with the chickens and go to the gym. I was surprised at how many other people were there at 6 am that day, and at 5am yesterday, though I was the lone roadrunner at 5.30 this morning. Still, it's good to have a posse when facing the perils of too much food and drink.

So what now? Now comes 2014, and as always, I am always a bit excited for a new year. I don't do resolutions but I do prioritise a few things and try to get them done.

And 2013? There is an old wives' practice here in Trinidad - when you have guests you really want to get rid of, or who have overstayed their welcome, you turn up a broom. Well, I know a lot of friends who are turning up a broom for 2013 but I can honestly say it was not that bad. The last quarter was not the best, I admit, with a medical dilemma which plagued me and baffled 4 different doctors for a minute, and made me believe that concept where they tell you your life flashes before your eyes - it really does. Still, the year was pretty okay. Work-wise it was typical - I simply worked too much, too long. On the life side, I got a new niece whom everyone says looks like me - talk about a narcissist's dream! lol. I continue to bond with my precocious nephew. Family life was pretty good this year.

I got out more, so there was a better balance between work and life. Still not the best, and that is because I am always tired, but I did leverage the rare moments of physical energy to make new friends, try new things, like this, and also like this, try new places and have a life!! Go me.

And of course, travel I did. No year is complete without at least 1-2 stamps in the passport, and my mid-year escape from work, from the island was magical. I had tapas in Madrid while reuniting with my uni friends and connecting with the gay male population in the process (lol); met up with my childhood penpal for the very first time ever in the beautiful and larger than life city of Rome; and had mini-reunions with friends and family in London and Reading. Throw in a birthday staycation at the end of the year and I really cannot complain. Still trying to decide where to go in 2014, but whatever the destination, fun and adventure are the main objectives.

All in all, I was not plagued by any major crises, my friends and family were all safe and blessed, and that is all I can ask for and want. So 2014 - there will hopefully be more of the 2013 highlights, and new experiences and memorable moments as well. Some new and exciting travel, hopefully some great new people, new adventures. It is also a very important year for people like me - the clinically obsessed football fans. It's a World Cup year and for one month, life will stand still. I can hardly stand it!!!

World Cup 2014!!! Brasilia!!

What was your 2013 like? Upturned broom or warm memories? Happy 2014 to you all.


  1. Lived your wrap up and look ahead! Can I turn up the broom at my mother in law?! I'm looking forward to World Cup as blog btw. I live in high heels and flip flops too!


    1. LOL. My mum used to turn up the broom for my grandmother. Don't tell my dad. lol. Another football fan? Helloooooo!!!!! :-)

  2. I would say 2013 was warm memories. I was able to buy my house 6 months early so that made my year! And I've lost 62.8 lbs.

  3. I had a quiet Christmas but won't have a quiet new year and I just can't wait ( I say this sarcastically) lol. Stopping over from SITS

  4. Cannot wait for World Cup either!!!

    You have been such a busy little bee in the past few months, and I'm so sorry to hear about your health woes :( I had no idea. Sending you so many good thoughts from the lovely state of New Jersey (hee) and seriously hope you are back to your ol' Trini in no time.

    Also, I love that you add stamps to the passport each year. I am hoping to do the same :) No better feeling in the world. XOXO


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