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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Adventure Time!

After a flurry of blog posts, I disappeared again for a bit but only because I was so busy at work and trying to plan vacation as well. The good news is that vacation is here finally and I am sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to freedom. I am always a better  blogger when on vacation so I hope you will follow me on my trip - wherever it may lead.  In the meantime,  my eyes are peeled for that airport Casanova - the elusive Casanova. Don't believe the hype of Hollywood cause you will not meet the love of your life while stripping for airport security. There is something just totally unappealing about taking one's belt off and risking the exposure of one's underwear to the world, including that hot boy or girl on your radar.

Also trying to blog on a touch keyboard is torture but I do have a backup. Well, let's see what happens!

Next - On the other side of the pond

The view from my seat in the departure lounge of Piarco International Airport, Trinidad


  1. Following! and excited!!

    1. awwww...thanks honey. hope you enjoyed the ride

  2. Have a fabulous time! You deserve it - hope it revives your soul darling! :)

    1. My soul was revived briefly my darling but I feel it dying again. :p

  3. I am finally catching up on all your blog posts -- and I'm excited. :)

    1. LOL. I will look back at these and feel the longing. lol.


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