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Thursday, April 21, 2011


This devil is on the ceiling in the passageway
heading to the men's rec room in Cardiff Castle -
aimed at keeping the fair ladies out
R - Rest, relaxation. I just got back from Wales and it was a lovely time. I have not much time to blog about it cause today is my cousin's birthday and we are prepping for the party. But I had a really lovely time on my first trip outside of London. My first trip ever. I myself find that really hard to believe especially since I have been here so often and so long. But first time for everything. The funniest part which I did not catch on video was when we passed the motion detector that set off the audio that scared us SHITLESS. lol.

Great fun! I had a lovely time in Cardiff and sightseeing around the city, including Cardiff Castle. We also spent the day in Bath, with which I have fallen in love. Such a beautiful city - so clean, so green, so lovely. I will share a few photos when I have more time but til then, you can look at my "scary" video. Hope everyone is well. The weather has been brilliant and thankfully so, because my staycation would have been a whole lot different if it had rained. It is sposed to stay the same for the weekend so let the fun begin.


  1. So glad you're enjoying your vacation. You have certainly earned it! Cardiff sounds wonderful. I'll add that to my places to see.

  2. I wish I could visit Cardiff it sounds magical. Glad you are enjoying your vaca :D


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