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Friday, April 22, 2011

Splendid, Sunny Good Friday and Sights from My Travels

Stunning flowers in Cardiff, Wales
Happy and Holy Good Friday to my readers and friends. Wishing you all great blessings as we celebrate the lives we have been gifted. And after my staycation, I feel as blessed as ever. I have had many great moments in my life and while I am broke, unemployed, stressed, a bit fat and hopelessly single, I still have much to be grateful for. Great family, great friends who treat me well and look out for me, health and opportunities to go to great places that many people may never see. My friend invited me to spend time in Cardiff, Wales and we also managed to spend some time in Bath, England, which was just an hour away. Both remarkably beautiful and unique in their own ways, and excellent weather on both fronts. After so much stress and upheaval related to school, this trip was so appreciated. I look forward to repaying the favour one day soon.

What was NOT a blessing was having to clean up my bathroom at 3 this morning, after some drunk reveller decided to miss the toilet bowl and piss all over the place. I was NOT PLEASED!!! My cousin had a great time though and enjoyed his birthday party but still...his friends need to use the "drunk tank" downstairs and not the civilised loo. Ugh. Nasty.

I have also been mandated by my date tonight to not wear jeans to dinner. I must say, it is a fair request especially after I told him to dump the frowsy blue jacket he ALWAYS wears. I hate it. I cannot use the "I am a student" excuse anymore, and so will be donning a nice non-denim outfit tonight. I hope his heart can take it.

I will try to during the course of the weekend, put up some more photos on Facebook, where you really should be following me, but here are a few. Next up - the warmth of the beautiful Caribbean!

In honour of sailors - Cardiff, Wales

Cardiff kids made these patchwork quilts - they were very special

An old Welsh farmhouse on the grounds of St Fagan's National Museum
Norman Keep at Cardiff Castle

The Roman Baths in Bath, England
The view of the bridge, Bath


  1. Going out without jeans?? I'd have to go out in my underwear! Jeans are pretty much all I wear!

    Looks like you had a great trip! Such fabulous pictures.

  2. Oh, wonderful pics. I love the Roman Baths and it sounds you had a great staycation. Happy Easter!


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