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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Off I go...

It's finally here. I am one of those people, if poeple like me really do exist, who do not get all excited and giddy over vacations. I hate packing first and foremost. I am not good at packing light. I am always envious when I see some people with these cute bags going on trips, while I have the whole bedroom crammed into my luggage. I also feel like I would forget something important. I hate airports and waiting around in them. Long flights are gross and I always get some frowsy tantie or taciturn male seatmate, just for kicks.

But once I get there, I am brilliant and shining and happy and this time I know I will be a ray of sunshine especially because of my greeting party and well...because I am wearing yellow. London could use a dose of Caribbean colour, dammit.

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