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Monday, July 12, 2010

Banks and Bras: The Monday Combo

It seemed like the planets were aligned to ensure that I had a bad day. I went to my home branch of RBTT to conduct a transaction that should have taken no more than 20 minutes - 30 with a push. Four hours later, I was dragging my tired, hungry and annoyed carcass out of the bank. I mean, 2 tellers, a new system and apparently total cluelessness on how to close a certificate of deposit account kept back my entire day!!!! The smoke is still coming out of my ears.

Then after my other rounds, I decided to get some food after not having anything at all for the entire day. So at around 4pm (yes! 4pm) I parked in front of Nichossa's in Gulf View to get a bite to eat. Now the food here is really good so maybe this is why I subject myself to the torture that is the customer service. It is not that they are rude or inept, but just generally unfriendly. Very unfriendly. If the customer, that is ME, is a heifer and intolerable then okay...I get it. But I smile, I speak politely, I try to be accomodating and yet this girl was still a total Tampax! I really cannot understand why Trinis are so incapable of putting on a good show for customers. I am not begging for a conversation or a free meal but some courtesy and even a fake smile would be great.

I did manage a smile and convo from the woman in the lingerie store, though she was a little clueless about bras in general but I forgave her cause she was warm and really trying to be of assistance. But one question: Why do women bring, or maybe I should ask, why do men come to the bra store with their wives or girlfriends? They do nothing but get in the way. I mean, I am trying to look at some strapless numbers and you're there like a pillar of salt in my way. C'mon buddy...wait outside, get some popcorn or something. There is nothing in here for you. Don't get me wrong. Some men  staright ones too - are very good with this and comfortable around a lingerie store, but not the old bisons that were blocking the aisles today. Nah. I think it is the worst form of punishment for both the man and the other women trying to get their sexy on, to have the dimwit husbands standing aimlessly in the store filled to the hilt with women's lingerie, especially if when you try the stuff on, he is not interested in seeing it. I also don't get why you take the men to Pennywise. Half the time they are just following you as you buy mascara and panty shields. The store is already annoyingly packed with women who cannot navigate their way out of a sandbox, so add the male and the clueless and it's a recipe for cos' rage aka cosmetics rage. Please ladies...leave them in the car, and make them promise to be good. Don't further aggravate me.

Just don't do it.

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