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Saturday, January 11, 2014

This is what Detox looks like

Every year after the holidays, I do a 2-week detox. Every year it sucks. This year it seems to suck even more. This year I took my usual detox - no dairy, no meat/chicken, no alcohol, no coffee - to another level and eliminated all things flour. Ugh. I am almost at the end of Week 1. Surviving, with the occasional cold sweat in the middle of the night while dreaming of honey BBQ chicken or Aioli's pork loin or a glass of wine. The work days are hardest especially with no coffee. But it has not been completely bad. I have been having a lot of good stuff.

Breakfast in the last week was quinoa egg scramble - quinoa with roasted red peppers, tomatoes, spinach, scrambled with eggs, salt and black pepper, and then topped with fresh spinach. Pretty nice.

Very delicious. Pretty awesome breakfast I must say

During the day, lots of wheatgrass, lots of water, lots of green tea.

Really nice...

It's not coffee though

Snack of choice - watermelon. This is a daily thing, even when not detoxing. I love watermelon. Like...seriously. I also snacked on cucumbers.

My Independence Square fruit guy always has my melon wrapped and waiting every morning

Tonight, I was REALLY craving burgers, even though I very rarely eat burgers, but the meat craving was real. Not yielding to temptation, I instead made spicy quinoa and lentil burgers. They are MEGA good!! What's in these? Lentils, seasoned with salt, black pepper, stir fried garlic, onions, celery, parsley, pimento, chilli peppers, tomatoes, quinoa, tomato pesto, one egg, olive oil. No breadcrumbs.

Just before they went into the oven. No breadcrumbs in these.
Used a mould to get them in shape.

After all the Christmas food and drink, I felt so ill, and after one week of this suicide mission detox, I feel a whole lot better. One week down, one more to go!


  1. Hmm you have given me some ideas re this quinoa and lentil burgers and the quinoa and egg breakfast..,.might get to trying these out this week. Love the idea of using my quinoa that way.

  2. Isn't quinoa magic! Ugh I wish I could cook I'd make everything quinoa! Now I just settle for the quinoa patties from Whole Foods.
    I'm not sure I could make it an entire day on that detox, because coffee and dairy are two of my every days. You are one strong lady!

    Stopping by from SITS <3

    1. I agree with you. It IS magic. I have been trying all sorts of things with quinoa. The no-coffee thing is a real killer. On week 2 of this nightmare. It is more than a physical challenge, it is a mental test of will!!! lol

  3. I love green tea! i tried to detox this few days but not successful yet. I can't seem to give up food. :(

  4. This is awesome! You can do it! I love this idea. I'm pregnant now and still nursing so I don't know that this would be doable for me right now. When I'm pregnant I seem to both times now crave meat lol. I would so do this with you if I wasn't still nursing and pregnant. I'm in your SITS niche tribe! It's so nice to "meet" you. :)

  5. Detox? Yikes, I'd never make it through the first day. I'll just watch you and see how you do :)

  6. I'm with Connie, I'd never make it through the first day! You're a brave soul! I do love tea, though, and will have to try the one you've shown above. My favorites are peach and blueberry. :)

    Stopping by from your SITS tribe, to say hello (a little behind). I hope you're having a great week!

  7. Hello Stopping by for the SITS Tribe.
    I am very impressed and proud of you. I don't know if I could give up coffee. I really want to do a detox but my will power is nearly non-existent. Although, I am on day 19 of a self imposed alcohol fast. I cheated on my birthday, so technically 18 days.

  8. MMM, love me some quinoa. It's one of the new foods I've recently added. Thanks for stopping by my blog for SITS Tribe, and I look forward to following you now, too :)

  9. i'm considering doing a 21 day detox, but i'm someone with no willpower. What do you feel the benefits are of a good detox? I need some motivation.

  10. Your lentil burgers and quinoa breakfast sound so delicious!!! I just made a spicy tofu with peanut sauce last night over a bed of quinoa--very yummy. Here's the recipe (if you're interested!):

    1. Not a great lover of tofu but maybe I can substitute it with something else. Will investigate. Thanks love.


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