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Monday, June 3, 2013

Total Devastation: The Game of Thrones Season Non-Finale

Spoilers ahead, so please, if you have not seen it yet and you are going to act a fool cause I am giving away the plot, just disappear! Disappear!

Whether you had read the books or not, I think many loyal Game of Thrones fans would agree that NOTHING could have prepared you for last night's Red Wedding episode. Nothing!! Masterfully done, but the most brutal scenes ever. I mean, they even killed Grey Wind in a most merciless manner.

They killed the man's wolf for crying out loud. The animals!!!

To say I was gutted at the end of this episode would be a major major understatement. I was numb for about an hour and woke up this morning and guess what? Robb Stark was dead.

I mean, Robb, our King of the North and King of the Sexy looked exceptionally hot last night

To take him down at his sexiest is just cruel. I cried for Robb Stark. I cried hard.

I hate Walder Frey. I hope he is sodomised by a giant!

Roose Bolton should be thrown overboard in that body armour. I hate him.

Catelyn Stark endured what no woman should ever have to endure - the annihilation of all the men in her life. Bet she would have loved to see Jon Snow just then.

Her killing was especially gruesome and dying with the belief that her two other sons were dead, when they are very much alive.

Arya is going to need some serious therapy - first Ned, now her mum and big brother? Painful. This kid is always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This was by far the best episode of the series, even beating out the beheading of King Robb's dad, Ned in Season 1. I will miss Robb and Catelyn. Robb was really foolish though, and while you understand why he died, it is still hard to swallow. Especially when brought to life in the way HBO brought the Red Wedding to life. I think I will be in mourning for the rest of the week. And what's worse, this was not even the season finale. My heart just cannot take it.


  1. Girl, it was awful and I knew that they were going to die at some point; but seeing it left me aghast. I had trouble sleeping afterwards. ;((

    1. And I just watched it again cause I love the torture

  2. Have you read the books? Because just wait, there is still soooo much more to happen before this season is over!


    1. Yep...can't wait for the season finale next week


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