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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Q2 Outlook: Anticipated Growth in Happiness

Memory Jar for all your 2013 memories
Can you believe we have almost come to the end of the first quarter of the year? It seemed like just yesterday we entered 2013 and now we are in the middle of March.

How has the year been for you so far? Have you done anything you had planned to achieve at this point? Is your life showing signs of growth? Recession? Stagnation?

It has been slow slow going here. The start of the year was not great and I am disappointed with myself for how I allowed things to get the better of my fancy-free spirit. It's just been a lot of work, and work, and work. And sleep. And holding on to bad memories from the end of 2012. But there is hope...there is ALWAYS hope.

I saw this really great idea at the end of last year and had planned to do it this year. The memory jar. You get an empty jar, box, or whatever, some slips of paper, and everytime something good happens to you, you take a note of it, and stick it in the jar so come December 31, you can go back and look at how good the year was for you. We often dwell on the bad things or the non-starting aspects, but never fully celebrate or appreciate the little things which make us smile or grateful. I saw a quote somewhere that went like, "The worst memories stick with us; the nice ones always seem to slip through our fingers". Hold on to the great moments. I try to do it every day, but I think memorialising it can help put it in perspective at the end of the year. I also think putting it down on paper forces you to be more proactive about creating those great memories - get out of stagnation. So there you go.

I have my empty Prego jar, my paper, so will start afresh in Q2 to make 2013 a good one.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea. I might start this too! I even have one of an empty blue Ball jar in my cupboard.

    Happy ShareFest!


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