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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Trying to treat my Blogaphobia

I come here ever so often and look at the page and think, what on earth am I supposed to write here? I have never been this  blocked, but I know it is as a result of a few things.

- I am just busy and inevitably tired. I have crazy days - full days - and by the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is blog or, sad to say, read your blogs. I do try and I do read a blog or two now and then but it is not easy. I know I spoke at length about my daily existence here.

- As a result of being busy, there is nothing really exciting to talk about. lol. I doubt you want to hear about my meetings, days spent slaving over a hot laptop, treating with interns, oddball callers, vendors and colleagues. Do you?

- When I do the "exciting" stuff, I don't feel like blogging about it either.

- And more importantly, being back in the smaller pool that is Trinidad, as opposed to the wide gulf that was London, I feel more exposed and less inclined to say what's on my mind. When I had an anonymous blog, this was not a problem, but now the things I could talk about and want to talk about, I don't feel like this is the place in which to talk about them.

I could maybe just cross over to the dark side and become a giveaway blog (the horror!). But no...something will work out soon. It's not just here either. I don't tweet, I don't pin. I do Facebook, so there is still life in this social media machine! But feel free to leave your suggestions as to how I can resuscitate it all.


  1. Oh Trininista, how I've missed you so! I really enjoy reading your TV reviews. Maybe you could write about that? Also, anything about exercise because everybody's succeeding, struggling or in need of motivation.

    1. OMG. I am sitting here eating Twix Minis and saving my Haagen Dazs for Big Brother at 8pm. I am an oompa loompa times 1000. But I am also loading my new wireless mp3 player with fat busting tunes to get me back on track. So nice to be missed. I missed you guys too.

  2. I feel your pain....I feel like I fell off the blog wagon too recently. Life does have a way of getting in the way of everything else doesn't it? Maybe try doing a series of blogs related to a certain topic? Like Marsha said with the exercise, even a post about fat busting tunes! :) It will come back to're talented and you have a lot to say and we want to hear it. :)

  3. Blogging should never feel like an obligation. That's a sure-fire way to take the enjoyment right out of it. Write when you feel like it, and read when you feel like it. We'll all be here when you're ready.

    1. VV...I totally agree. When blogging feels like a mandate, it's no longer fun or interesting for that matter. I think that is pretty much how I feel - blog when the spirit moves me. :-)

  4. I'm still trying to figure out this whole blogging and Twitter and Pinterest thing. In short, I'm trying to figure out how to finesse the social media tools at my fingertips. I'm still a newbie -- (1) the blog and Twitter are only 9 months old and (2) Pinterest is about 6 months old. I've been trying to do all the "right" things, but tweeting like a madwoman gives me barely any followers, writing blog posts until all hours of the night gives me an even lower (code: paltry) number of followers/readers and simply has given me bags under my eyes and exhaustion (!) and my Pinterest page is just there. I wish I had the answers, I'd share them, but I will say this: Don't blog, tweet, Pin, Friend, link, etc. if you don't want to. I have quickly learned already that if you force yourself, you'll hate it all. (Oh how I know.)

  5. Blogging shouldn't be a chore. Blog when you feel like it.

    I definitely know about the busy! Life is crazy sometimes. Honestly, I wouldn't ever get around to blogging if I couldn't carve out some time at work.

  6. I know what you mean. There are just some times when I have a hard time of keeping up with my blog, too. But I feel even worse when I don't catch up with my favorite bloggers (ie, you!). Sometimes it's good to just step back and let inspiration strike. Joining writing groups has helped me get my mojo back a little. Best of luck, but don't forget to do you when you can! XOXO


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