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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Trinidad Carnival - The Other Side of the Bacchanal

A J'ouvert morning reveller -
Carnival Monday 2012
Not sure why it has been so difficult to blog and read blogs. Admittedly, I have been busy with work and tired and all that. I just have not been that tuned in to writing.

Carnival has come and gone here in Trinidad and Tobago and the weekend was pretty great for me cause I managed to get some well-deserved and much needed rest. May not sound that exciting but believe me, it was the highlight of my weekend. Even my writing sounds tired. lol.

I did manage to play J'ouvert, which is part of our two-day Carnival celebrations, and it was loads of fun. Today, while the city was transformed into a sea of colour, I tried my best to do some work but failed miserably. I was tired but more importantly, I just cannot work on my weekend. It is sacrilege. I will finish it up tomorrow - within the confines of the office. Much better. Lent, the 40-day period of fasting before Easter begins tomorrow and I am giving up alcohol - so no wine, no cocktails, no after-work brews. Are you giving up anything for Lent?

Hope everyone had a great weekend.


  1. I'm thinking still, I know rather late! Enjoy your week :)

  2. This is going to sound terribly dorky but I'm giving up all electronic games: Facebook, iPod Touch and X-Box.

  3. I'm totally feeling the same way with my writing lately. Not sure why. Maybe we just go through phases with it?

    I don't do Lent but I'm impressed you're giving up alcohol! Best of luck to you, girly! And I've missed you... will catch up now :)


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