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Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Help - The movie that baffles me

I just read an article where Mark Wahlberg said he cried about 8 times while watching the movie, The Help. I don’t get it. I watched the movie and I did not cry – I don’t remember crying. I remember being very disappointed. Don’t get me wrong – the movie was alright – but I read the book before, and it was so powerful. The movie left me really empty – expectations dashed like a Carib bottle on the side of the road. It was Hollywoodisation at its best/worst, because the story is so fantastic. The movie did not channel the fear and misgivings the black maids felt as they volunteered to tell their story. It was too “feel good” for me and I did not like that the best emotions of the story were so watered down. All the award season hype now has left me really blah cause I did not think it was THAT good.
So no, I did not cry. I was just indifferent. I did, surprisingly, cry during One Day – a movie I swore not to see, because they cast the ever annoying Anne Hathaway in the lead role. I so enjoyed the book that I did not want to bear seeing Anne Hathaway massacre my image of who I though Emma should be. Now, she did not win me over in the least but I enjoyed the movie anyway. I had very few options on BA 2158 and chose it as one of my movies on my 8hr+ flight. Can you imagine trying not to cry on a plane? Lol. The scene I knew would get me – as it did in the book version – GOT ME! And there I was, trying my best to be cool but fighting the errant tear threatening to make me look like a sap in front of the passengers nearest to me. Hilarious.


  1. I so agree with your take on the movie! It did the book no justice at all! I was most disappointed in the scene when Constantine's daughter returned. The movie version is awful and does no justice to what the author had originally happen.

    I'm going to add One Day to my list of books to read this year. I've heard about it but haven't had a chance to read it yet.

  2. I normally won't watch a movie made from a book. I have this book, ready to read when graduate school slows a bit. Thanks for the heads up about the movie. I ALMOST watched the movie first, because I'd heard such great things. Now, I'll just wait and read it. Thanks!!!

  3. Ugh. There's nothing worse than public crying when you're trying so hard to keep it together.

    I didn't know One Day was a book. I saw the preview and thought it looked like a good concept for a movie but Ms. Hathaway bugs the living hell outta me so I passed. I'll have to look into the book though.

  4. I've seen the movie and read the book twice. I thought they did an okay job at the movie. Definitely not tear worthy. The movie never lives up to the book anyways. :P

    I'll have to check out One Day. I didn't want to READ the book because Anne Hathaway was in the movie. lol.

  5. There's nothing worse than crying on a plane. It's one of those times you absolutely don't want to draw attention to yourself but when sometimes you just can't help it.

  6. Awww, what a disappointment! I JUST finished the book (which I thought was excellent and couldn't put down) and was really looking forward to seeing the movie. I haven't seen One Day yet. I hate crying during movies though (especially in front of others).


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