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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Turning Water to Wine...with my Imagination

Yummy green tea.
I started the morning with a huge cup of water and 2 cups of green tea and frequent trips to the bathroom.

And so the detox began.

I have been a really bad girl over the holiday season. Excess is not the word. I guess after last year’s miserable holiday season, I was eager to make up for it. Lol. Make up I did. Between all the visits to friends’ and relatives’ homes and thus ultimately, visits to their buffet tables, and all the cooking done at home, not to mention the drinks, I have, in 3 short weeks, done serious damage to my waistline (my hips, my ass, my everything!!!) and my internal machinery. I can actually feel the toxins dancing in my bloodstream.

So I am flushing them all out with gallons of water and pure green tea and fresh fruit and vegetables, with a total avoidance of alcohol, coffee (the absolute horror!!), chicken, ham and pork (no more pig, pleeeeeease!!), and any other flesh, and dairy products. The detox also called for no wheat but that is taking the thing too far. I cannot eat fruit and veggies and live! I need the occasional sandwich! I had a lovely whole wheat pita with a hard-boiled egg white for breakfast and prepared a pumpkin soup for lunch.

By 8.39am, I was chomping on a stick of gum as if my life depended on it. It did. It was not too bad though. Got some fruit tonight and they said no dairy - they said nothing about no soy - so got my low fat soy milk on BOGO!!! Woot woot! It’s meant to be a 5-day detox and cleansing. Not sure if I can go through the weekend doing this but I just need to look in the mirror for motivation! I have also unpacked my gym shoes and will use exercise as a distraction from the carnage of green tea and carrots!

Or, I can also consider the alternative to keep me on the straight and narrow – the traditional post-holiday trauma Trini mothers inflicted on their children after all the sweets and treats of Christmas. Force feeding them laxatives or disguising them in hot chocolate to “flush” out the junk. Just thinking about that makes me want to brew another cup of tea and chomp on a cucumber stick! Ughhh.

Other than that, life is good. I had a lovely weekend, though I was a bit sick. I made no resolutions as I stopped doing that years ago. Instead I just make plans, which include:

  • Travel (duh). Will be limited to my hemisphere this year but there are loads of places I still have not been to.
  • Write more. And not just on the blog.
  • Pick up a class. I tried the adult French class last year and it was a dismal failure. The tutor, while lovely, talked too much…about her life and her husband and kids…and in English!!! Waste of my Saturday morning. No...maybe a music class (always wanted to learn to play the piano) or a dance class or a cooking class.
  • Network more.
  • Maybe run part of a 5K. lol. Part...planning to run the entire thing would be disingenuous. 

There are other things but I am tired of typing. What are your plans for 2012?


  1. Girl! Better to get it over with and just take the purge. I couldn't just drink tea for the better part of a week! Happy New Year to you lovie!

    I'm hoping to lose some weight this year and go out and make some new friends. I recently moved so you know how it is! Take care and let us know how the detox is working for you!

  2. LOL. The tea is not so bad. I hope you make some new friends soon. I should probably try to do the same!! One can never have too many friends! lol

  3. Good for you, girl. I like boiled carrot cooling. Exercise is essential, though. Break out them trainers and get your booty moving!

  4. It's so funny that you said your motivation comes from looking in the mirror, because I did the same thing...which has spawned my quest to get back in shape. Just take it one day at a time, and don't relapse! LOL! Happy New Year Diva!

  5. After I got sick over the summer (something fierce I may have picked up camping), I had to go on a similar cleanse. I more or less have avoided all of those foods for the past 5 months. But I've recently started adopting some wheat/gluten and dairy into my diet again without any problems. But it was ROUGH. Especially going without cheese. I LOVE CHEESE! And the coffee? Yea, I still am on the decaf, but it's just not the same.

    I will say that my body has never felt better. I feel as though I finally reset my system and it felt good to get in all the benefits from a veggie/fruit filled diet. I also made sure to eat more fish... Been a longterm veggie, but I needed the protein.

    You have some pretty impressive goals for 2012! Go you, Trini :) I have always wanted to participate in a marathon... Maybe one day. This year I'm quitting smoking. That's a pretty huge one for me, so I'm going to start off slow and see how it goes :)

    Hope you had a very happy New Year! XOXO

  6. Getting rid of the baguette, butter and cheese camped on my backside and around my waist is my number one goal for the year... not getting any younger and all!
    Best of luck with the detox... you are a stronger woman than I! :-)

  7. Stopping by from SITS! I totally hear you about the holiday eating. Green tea sounds like a good idea! And I love what you said about not being a "niche blogger" :D Love it! Cheers!

  8. Hope your detox is going well! Stopping over from SITS...I'll stop by again later, cuz I think I beat your post ;)

  9. Stopped in from SITS on your day! Hope the detox went well, and that you were able to get through all five days. Fresh fruit and (cold) green tea sound fantastic to me now...Happy SITS Day!

  10. I've done the detox/cleanse thing before and I wish you well. Ultimately, it screwed with my metabolism! This is the first year since adulthood that I came out of the holidays WITHOUT gaining weight!

  11. Popped in from SITS! I've never done a detox and now I don't think I ever will! :) I hope you have a great SITS day!

  12. Stopping in from SITs happy SITS day!! Love this post, it makes me want to go get a hobby! :)

  13. Happy SITS day. For the first time, I feel holiday weight as well. I haven't decided what I am going to do about it.

    I love your blog.


  14. Happy SITS day! I'm drinking green tea even as I type:)

  15. Happy SITS Day to you!

    Good luck with the detox!

  16. How did your detox work out? ;)

    Happy SITS day by the way, I hope it's great! :))))

  17. I stopped by from SITS.

    I've never done a cleanse. I've thought about it, but I like to think of my body as a machine and it cleanses itself just fine. I hope. Okay, maybe I should consider the cleanse.

  18. Love your blog!! And I'm so happy to read about this detox - I was looking for a simple one to try myself. After about 6 hours into the lemon/cayenne pepper/maple syrup detox I started eating a hotdog. THIS one might just be the way to go - at least you can have fruit and veggies!

    Question - what kind of weight loss can you expect? I got to lose about 5-7 pounds to zip into a bridesmaid dress in 2 weeks - YIKES!

  19. Congratulations on your SITS day! Enjoy your time in the spotlight. My goal for 2012 is to get as much of my writing published on Kindle as I can and loose some weight. So far I published 3 short books on Kindle and lost 7 lbs. Woo Hoo!

  20. Good luck on that detox girl. Lovin' this blog! Congrats on the SITS day!

  21. Woo! Oh man, big congrats on your SITS Day! Your comments at my blog are always so sweet and lovely! I'm so happy today's blogger is YOU!

  22. Happy SITS Day! I have been subscribing for months and I love reading about what you've been up to!

  23. This post made me laugh out loud because I am just finishing up a 10-day cleanse where I only drank fruits and vegetable juices (and water). If you would have asked me last year if I could do it, I would have said no, but it really was not too bad once I got my head right. The first few days are the worst.
    I hope your cleanse went well and you're feeling back to normal after the holidays.
    Good luck with your plans. I'm planning to travel more this year as well. As Sara said...I'm not getting any younger.

  24. Didn't we all? I've actually come to like green tea. But no wheat? No thanks!

  25. Hi Lauren. I found you on SITS for your day today - what a great blog!

  26. LOL, because I know so many people who are detoxing after the holidays. Congrats on your SITS day!

  27. Happy SITs Day. I don't know if I'd have the discipline to fo a detox like that, but I should try. It can only be good for me. :)

  28. Happy happy SITS day, girly! SO happy to see you featured over there today. Hope today brings many new visitors to your beautiful corner of the web :) *HUGS*

  29. Love your blog! Thanks for sharing today!

  30. Found you from the SITS site, very interesting blog. Looking forward to reading more!

  31. At least you have a PLAN!!! ;)

  32. I know what you mean... after the holidays I felt awful! Getting back to working out and eating right... hence my plan to get healthy for 2012 : )

  33. Stopping by from SITS... Happy SITS day! Do Trini mothers really do that? Yikes! Best of luck on your detox. I just cut out breads, crackers, grains a few days ago and I'm DYING!!!! Ugh. No fun.

    Hope you had a great day!

  34. Attempting to get rid of a few things myself! Between a trip to the Bahamas, Georgia and Las Vegas in the last month, I'm in need of a serious DETOX to say the least :).

  35. Happy SITSday. I always like the way I feel after a detox!

  36. I've never done any type of cleanse. I'd probably be too weak to go any certain amount of time without food. Ha!

    Stopping by from SITS... :)

  37. Where is your SITS day post?! I can't find it! Cool blog, though. Good luck with the detox!


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