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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Shorts

Solange Knowles
So I did it. I cut my hair. Not a snip. A major cut. Like...all of it. So now I have a style a bit like Solange Knowles' - maybe a tad bit longer on the top, but you get the general idea. Seeing my hair falling to the ground was a bit traumatic but I did not go bananas. I am happy it is gone - all the damaged bits - and now can focus on bringing it back to the way it was, and should be. Yaay me. The reaction has been generally positive except for a couple male comments. The black man's obsession with long hair lives on. Weaves and wigs are much more acceptable than a woman rocking a short cut. It still amuses me, and more so cause other men appreciate the natural look of a black woman, yet it is still sometimes hard to get that same appreciation from black men. Amazing. I think I am cute nonetheless, so not going to argue about it.

So today is the last day of my 3-day weekend. It was not a good weekend. I was sick for most of the time (food poisoning is no joke, friends) and in bed, but at least I got some rest and will continue to do so today. I was totally exhausted all week, having flown over 9 hours from London to Port of Spain last Sunday, and getting up at my regularly scheduled time of 3.30am to go to work on Monday. Talk about being a masochist. I felt like rubbish all week. I also was too tired to cook meals so ate out, or ate crap. I will be cooking today. And baking. The plan is to do a nice Thai curry today for tomorrow's lunch. I also got some lean mince and black beans for a nice chilli, and I have some chicken breast, pesto and mushrooms for a nice fettucine special. Plus, I bought some bran to try my hand at another home made bread. And I have a bottle of wine to go with all this delightful culinary magic.

Short hair, cooking and wine. Superwoman, I am. It's a beautiful Sunday morning. Enjoying it.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Trauma at the Salon

Posting this hair cause then I know I will HAVE to do it and not chicken out. But going to cut off inches and inches of my hair today. It is out of sheer necessity, but God it has to look cute too. I have been told I have the face for a short short cut - pretty and round, great features blah blah blah. So unless they were all lies, it should look okay, right?

Ugh. I hope I can withstand the trauma. Check back to see if I went through with it. On my way!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lost in Reading

I spent a good deal of my time in Reading and not in London. I must say, with the exception of the rude and intolerable Pakistani bus driver, the people in Reading were a breath of fresh air. Granted, most of the people hanging around during the day were in their twilight years since Reading is a commuter city, with the chunk of the people commuting into evil London for work. It was funny. During the day, loads of pensioners and empty bars and restaurants. It was truly a bit surreal. At one point, I felt like there were definitely more stores and shops than there were people. We went into a pub – what was clearly the busiest pub on the waterfront – and there were 2 other people in there. In the evening! A far cry from the sweaty underarm crowds and throngs of London.
But everyone was super polite. Every single person got off the bus and thanked the bus driver. The rare young person got up to give up their seats. There was no loud, annoying passenger or aggravating teenagers. Of course, the rude Pakistani driver tainted the idyllic paradise that was Reading. I got on the bus and quickly realized it did not have the bus stop monitor which usually signals what the next stop would be. Not being from Reading, and on a solo adventure, I had no clue where I was going and simply asked this gem of a driver to stop when he got to Stop X. Oh but this was too hard…he could not do that and made a grand production of it. The nice lady who got on the bus acknowledged his universal stupidity and kindly offered to tell me when I was approaching my stop. The only profanity on the bus at that point came from me as I had to let him know what I thought of him. Nothing too caustic, I promise. Lol
Still…Reading. It’s no London!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Are graduates most likely to be victims of crime? Not this one.

Again, many apologies for being such a horrible blogger lately. Busy times in trininista world. As I mentioned briefly yesterday, I spent the last week in England – back to winter! I left Trinidad in 31 degree heat and 10 hrs later, got off the plane and stepped out of Gatwick airport to a gust of icy breeze at the mercury boiling maximum of 5 degrees. Lovely. The trip was short but fun. I finally got to put on my cap and gown and walk across a stage with no bitterness in my heart. When I finished my undergrad degree, I was unemployed for months and months and so boycotted my graduation cause in my eyes it was a complete farce. With age, brings reason and wanderlust so off to London I went for my 5 seconds in the spotlight!! Apologies to everyone I did not see and that was 95% of people, and kisses to the ones I did.
One less savoury moment was during my second day in London, when I was still at my hotel. I had a really busy day, running back and forth to get stuff shipped home and packed and so on. Tired, and with two extra bags, I walked into the hotel lobby around 1.30pm, and headed to my room to plop my cold, weary ass on the warm bed. As I was walking in, a young guy was walking out. I only noticed him cause he was leering at me and then when next I turned my head, he was not out on the street as I had expected him to be, but following me onto the elevator. Now, for a brief second, I thought, well, there are two scenarios here -1. He must really think I am da bizniz, or more likely, 2. He saw me as his next victim. Victim of what I am not sure. In hindsight, I should have stopped the elevator or sounded the alarm but it was happening so quickly. I had already pressed the number to my floor and noticed that he had not pressed anything. Coincidence? I think not.
Mugging victim, I am not.
Now the hotel is one of those where you need an access key to get on to the floor, so when the elevator doors opened on the 7th floor, I waited…to see what he was going to do next. I think in my head I thought, he looks young and inexperienced, and probably thought the tired girl with all the bags would be distracted and slim pickings. But buddy, I am Trini. We are always alert to scam artists and criminal elements. Lol. When he saw I was not going towards the access door, he picked up a bag of dirty sheets from the housekeeper’s cart next to the elevator and as luck (for him) would have it, the male housekeeper opened the door, giving him easy and convenient access to the floor.
Well, helllllllll nooooo I was not getting into that corridor with him on the floor, so I waited. The housekeeper was already gone and the lift was taking its bleedin’ time to get back up. Then the door opened and he – wannabe attacker – came back out without the bag and pressed the down button on the elevator. I took my pass key and opened the door to the floor and swung my head around and sure enough, Mr Wonderful was following me in. In my best, most aggressive and cut-eye Trini accent, I asked – “What happen? You have a problem? You (bleep) want something?”
Not sure if he was stunned that I spoke to him or just really scared cause I was really kinda menacing but he shook his head and walked back to the elevator. At the same moment, the housekeeper was making his way back up the hallway and I asked him if that guy worked in the hotel.
“No. I thought he was a guest. He’s not with you?”
Well needless to say, walkie talkie came out and calls were made, but by that time, he was long gone. I noticed the bag of dirty sheets on the floor next to one of the rooms – a foiled ruse for sure.
Two hours later as I was making my way to the train station, who should I notice exiting another hotel, possibly after casing the guests there? You guessed it. I wonder how many women he has managed to actually rob/attack successfully? Pretty scary. I do not try to test fate. Hardly. But I do not try to just be a victim either.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I'm Back!!!

I have missed so much including my SITS Day. Thank you to everyone who visited and please accept my apologies for not having a dedicated SITS Day post. I have been super busy and distracted, and only just came back from London this evening - totally knackered but will write more about it hopefully soon.

Thanks for your patience everybody!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Turning Water to Wine...with my Imagination

Yummy green tea.
I started the morning with a huge cup of water and 2 cups of green tea and frequent trips to the bathroom.

And so the detox began.

I have been a really bad girl over the holiday season. Excess is not the word. I guess after last year’s miserable holiday season, I was eager to make up for it. Lol. Make up I did. Between all the visits to friends’ and relatives’ homes and thus ultimately, visits to their buffet tables, and all the cooking done at home, not to mention the drinks, I have, in 3 short weeks, done serious damage to my waistline (my hips, my ass, my everything!!!) and my internal machinery. I can actually feel the toxins dancing in my bloodstream.

So I am flushing them all out with gallons of water and pure green tea and fresh fruit and vegetables, with a total avoidance of alcohol, coffee (the absolute horror!!), chicken, ham and pork (no more pig, pleeeeeease!!), and any other flesh, and dairy products. The detox also called for no wheat but that is taking the thing too far. I cannot eat fruit and veggies and live! I need the occasional sandwich! I had a lovely whole wheat pita with a hard-boiled egg white for breakfast and prepared a pumpkin soup for lunch.

By 8.39am, I was chomping on a stick of gum as if my life depended on it. It did. It was not too bad though. Got some fruit tonight and they said no dairy - they said nothing about no soy - so got my low fat soy milk on BOGO!!! Woot woot! It’s meant to be a 5-day detox and cleansing. Not sure if I can go through the weekend doing this but I just need to look in the mirror for motivation! I have also unpacked my gym shoes and will use exercise as a distraction from the carnage of green tea and carrots!

Or, I can also consider the alternative to keep me on the straight and narrow – the traditional post-holiday trauma Trini mothers inflicted on their children after all the sweets and treats of Christmas. Force feeding them laxatives or disguising them in hot chocolate to “flush” out the junk. Just thinking about that makes me want to brew another cup of tea and chomp on a cucumber stick! Ughhh.

Other than that, life is good. I had a lovely weekend, though I was a bit sick. I made no resolutions as I stopped doing that years ago. Instead I just make plans, which include:

  • Travel (duh). Will be limited to my hemisphere this year but there are loads of places I still have not been to.
  • Write more. And not just on the blog.
  • Pick up a class. I tried the adult French class last year and it was a dismal failure. The tutor, while lovely, talked too much…about her life and her husband and kids…and in English!!! Waste of my Saturday morning. No...maybe a music class (always wanted to learn to play the piano) or a dance class or a cooking class.
  • Network more.
  • Maybe run part of a 5K. lol. Part...planning to run the entire thing would be disingenuous. 

There are other things but I am tired of typing. What are your plans for 2012?