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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Total Senselessness in London

London burning
Photo credit: AP
Of course this was not the post I had in mind for today but as I sat streaming BBC news online, and took in the images from across London - the looting, the fires, the mayhem, the riot police in their hundreds - it made me quite sad.

I am not British, but I currently live here and despite the unique charms which sometimes astound me, London is still a great city. But one does not have to be British to feel horrified and disgusted by what has been going on. To see London under siege, not because there is a passion around a cause, but for no good reason is truly mind numbing.

The hardest part though is watching the sacrifices, the blood, sweat and tears of hard working people go up in flames, or being carted away by mindless, thoughtless hoodlums, who have no concept of having a dream. It is the same way I feel when I read the newspapers at home - some random report about someone's car being stolen, or home or business burglarised, or son or daughter kidnapped. One wakes up in the morning, sometimes before the cock crows, to get out and work hard for a life. You sacrifice so much so that your family can have something to eat, your kids can go to school, you can live in a clean, comfortable home. You do without so many things that others may take for granted, to make your life a success.

A hooded looter walks
past a burning vehicle in London
Photo credit: ABC News
And in the blink of an's gone, because someone thought it would be fun to smash the doors and windows and steal your life. But to them it is not your life - those waking moments where you invest not only money, but time and love into what you do. To them it's just a pair of sneakers, or a flat screen or cigarettes. So what? Set it on fire. It's just a building. It does not matter that that was to be your legacy - your gift to pass down to your children, and them to their children.

It really irks me when people don't get it. They don't get it because the time and effort they put into bringing down your dream, they never put into building theirs. It's just easier for them to pillage and benefit from someone else's sacrifice.

Woman leaps from burning building in London
Photo credit: The Times
What's worse, we bandy around this word, "community" but do we really understand what the word means? You would not throw piss and poo on the bed you have to sleep in, so why would you destroy and denigrate the place in which you live, and the people with whom you live?

I looked on as men and women cried as their businesses and homes burned, as idle teenagers filmed their friends looting shops, as some wondered whether they would have a job when the smoke clears, and thought, how senseless this all is.

But out of every negative there is usually a positive - let's hope those who choose to rebuild and regroup will be stronger and more determined than the few who seek to break down.


  1. Well said. We can only hope that the 'Dunkirk Spirit' means something good comes out of this - somehow.

  2. What's going on in London is just madness. I hope you're in a safe area.

  3. I am still shocked and saddened by the images. I hope you stay safe my dear.

  4. it's so sad what's going on. it has to stop soon. there is no point in the senseless destruction. be safe.

  5. Beyond senseless.
    So very sad - praying for it to end soon.....please stay safe!

  6. It's just awful. I hope you stay safe.

  7. Great insight. I wonder if some day those kids will grow up and think "that was a horrible thing i did" or if they'll look back and have a good laugh.

  8. Am also hoping and praying for your safety, girl. I don't think anyone could have said it better than this: "They don't get it because the time and effort they put into bringing down your dream, they never put into building theirs." Powerful words, and so very true. Sometimes I wonder if it's just human nature that makes us think/act in ways that are often uncharacteristic. Or if it's simply mob mentality. Either way, it makes me sad, but I have no doubt that London will be able to rebuild in time.


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