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Monday, July 25, 2011

Saturday Girls' Fun in London

Nature at Kew Gardens
On what was surely the hottest day this city has seen in weeks yes, I was in bed, laptop desk and laptop in full effect, transcribing interviews. Well, one interview. I had done the others during the week and left this one for last as it was the longest and from memory, the most convoluted. Tedious is not the word to describe the process of transcribing interviews. I don't think the word exists. Boring is another simple adjective. Mind numbing. It's not fun. But I finished it....some 7 hours later. Of course this included a lunch break, complete with a re-run of Grey's Anatomy, a snack break, Twitter breaks, supper break etc.

I'm a bit exhausted and my right shoulder and arm hurt, I guess from immobility and all this damn typing. But it's Monday - a new day!

My entire weekend was not crap though. The lovely Cat and I spent Saturday afternoon in Kew Gardens,and despite the chill which bored through my brown body early on, it was a lovely afternoon, with a great friend. With all the bad news this weekend - the Norway tragedy, the death of the ever talented but so troubled Amy Winehouse (huge fan here) - God knows we could use some light!

Kew Gardens is stunning and had it been a sunny day, this would have been just perfect. I highly recommend it, friends when you visit London. It's a great escape from the hustle and bustle and you can spend an entire day there and not get bored by its beauty. Nor from its many non-human residents, including my friend from yesterday's Silent Sunday post.

I will confess though - the Palace tour was amusing, though a bit disappointing. But even if you are scared of heights like I am, still do the Treetop Walkway. It's just as the name suggests - a walk in the trees.

It's back to the academic grind but at least we have the memories...


  1. The pictures are simply great! And as you said in the end a new starts, a great approach to life :)

  2. Amazing place. I have a friend who just returned from a few weeks in London and I saw a few similar pics from her. The gardens are gorgeous!!

  3. Random thoughts....hope you have feeling back in your arm, love Grey's Anatomy (only good thing about the return of fall), pictures are beautiful (!) and you needed something to cheer you up after the sad news of the day.

    Happy Monday my friend!

  4. That looks like such a great day!

    And I'm glad you finally got finished with your transcribing. What a process!

  5. Lovely photos, dear. I must get my bum to London again. I never tried that Treetop Walkway but it sounds amazing!


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