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Sunday, July 10, 2011

The "Me" Day That Wasn't

The official mascot for my blog - Pablo!
Firstly, special thanks to EVERYONE who visited me and commented on my blog on my SITS Day. I cannot tell you how overwhelmed I was by your kind words about my little old blog. I have been really trying to visit everyone who commented/followed but it is a work in progress.If you have not seen me on your blog yet, have no fear - I will get there. Eventually. But thank you! I feel very blessed.

The plan yesterday was to have a quiet day with myself. I woke up late, took a shower, had grilled cheese on an onion bagel with some sorrel, and then looked up the trains I would need to get to Leicester Square to meet this overwhelming craving I have been having for Haagen Dazs. I had already packed my book, which was a freebie cause I am being asked to review it and freeness is and always will be a huge plus in poor student world.

I certainly, based on what I have read so far, recommend it

However, in the middle of my bagel, I got a text and then somehow invited this guy on my ice cream run. So we met and I ordered my Chocolate Waffle with extra whipped cream, cause yes, Valerie, I am bad ass! lol.

I think I had an orgasm after the first bite. God, I am so easy! I did struggle to eat it all though. Got some help.

We talked, and laughed and then the sun came out (eerie).

The plan after that was to just go to Tesco, make my groceries, head home, have dinner and get back to my book. My cousin was going to be out and I would have the house to myself. That did not happen either. We ended walking through Covent Garden, I tortured myself by trying on jewellry I simply cannot afford but which looked ravishing on me nonetheless, and taking in the quirky sights and sounds of the market.

The plan was further decapitated when after said Tesco stop, somehow I found myself dressing for a party and heading out the door, never coming back in until 4.30am*. The book is sitting on the bed, laughing at me.

Am I complaining? Hardly. I had a good time. Dude had a good time and was a good sport cause it was  mostly Caribbean music (of course) and Caribbean people, and he was very at ease in the midst of the bacchanal. I can have my me time today. The house is empty again and the book is next to me. And I probably should not answer any text messages today.

*Of course, I had to face my greatest nightmare which is having to take the night bus. I think the world knows I HATE the night bus, but luckily I had company. Still, it did not make it any less revolting. The young woman 2 seats ahead of me - if you cannot hold your liquor honey, don't drink. She was a total mess and sick too. She proceeded to "light" up my life and the bus, when she threw up in a bag. She then placed said bag on her lap, at which point it started to leak...all over her hands, her dress...and the floor! Her friends then proceeded to double bag the mess, but not before spilling some more of her puke all over the floor. I almost had to do a long jump over the mess to get off the bus. I kept saying to myself - I miss my car...I miss my car...I miss my car. 


  1. Lol! A wickedly funny post! Note to self: Do not answer text messages on ur day alone with yourself.

    Got it!

    Btw: I adore the way you write. I'm definitely a fan.

  2. Sounds like a nice day but I'm so nosey though... who was the dude? A date? How did you first meet him? Had you been out with him before?

    Questions, questions, questions!

  3. LOL @thesinglefilez - I guess this can qualify as a date. Having no experience with the word, I am not sure how it is used. :p
    However, this was our third date. We also went to the movies last weekend and our first date, if you go back to my post on the Naked Bike Ride, you will read I was not at all amused at first. lol. Nice guy...bit quiet. Maybe too quiet for me - a known rabble rouser. lol.

    BBM - Thank you honey. It is great advice lemme tell you. I think I am turning the phone off today. Sometimes I just cannot say no to excitement. lol.

  4. I've never heard of the book, but I'm always in the market for a good read, so I'll be curious as to what you think of this one :)

    Yummm to the chocolate...

    but ewwwwwww, gross about the night bus. If it had been me, I would have joined in. Something about someone throwing up makes my own reflexes start to heave, which is just horrible!!

  5. I'm a little late... but congrats on being selected for #commenthour

    I'll be adding your feed to my reader. Hope to "see" you next week.

  6. I love the idea of turning off my phone for a day! I swear I'm going to try it, but I'm scared.......

  7. I think it sounds like a great day! And I'm liking the sound of this dude - hope you're not still holding out for the hopeless academic ;-) x

  8. Oh God now Miss Daydream. He is not in the running anymore. I don't have time to waste.

    MamaPookah - do it girl. It is very liberating!

  9. UGH! Sick drunks on mass transit is THE WORST!!!

    Glad you had a great time, though!

  10. Maybe it's a good thing that we Californians don't have much access to public transportation? That sounds horrific!
    Well, you didn't have the day to yourself but it still sounded like a good day!


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