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Monday, June 13, 2011

Sluts, Balls and Boobs: Another London weekend

Naked Bike Riders in London on Saturday
Photo credit: The Independent
It's unbelievably cold and gloomy here in London. Yesterday's weather was also bleak. Thank God for Saturday. There was a lengthy period of sun and warmth and of course, one should make hay while the sun shines. So while I had no hay to make, I did pick out a cute, albeit, rain-ready summer outfit and jumped on a train into the city.

The aim was to go check out the Naked Bike Ride, which speaks out against the car culture and oil dependency, as well as highlighting the continued vulnerability of cyclists along London city streets. Somehow though, there was some serious wire-crossing between myself and the dude I was meeting and the plan did not work out just as well as expected. Well, clearly he was thinking in man-mode and not woman-mode because why he thought I would forfeit the convenient and quick way to Hyde Park, i.e. the train, in favour of walking, is just beyond me. I like to walk, sure...but not over a mile, in crowds, in platforms. And especially when this walk was sure to make us late for nudity! Well, needless to say when we got to Hyde Park, the naked people were gone and I was a bit annoyed (you can check out the video below though, if you really want to see it).

However, London is never short of activity and on the way we had run into the Slut Walk - about 3,000 people or more strong. This walk is aimed at speaking up against those who cast blame against victims of sexual assault.
It’s amazing to think that a global movement was sparked by one policeman’s foolish comment. The first Slutwalk took place back in April in Toronto, where the fateful statement “avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised” was made, and sister events sprung up all over Canada, the US, and Britain. -
Well, the sign said it all!

The sex workers also got in on the action
I love the ummm...creativity behind social activism these days.


  1. I remember the comment that started the Slut Walk. I remember being extremely insulted for all victims of sexual abuse - but I'm not brave enough to join those types of things. I wish I were.

    That photo at the beginning of your blog, the one with the naked guys....slightly disturbing. All I could think about was *owch* and low sperm count much?

    I'm very pleased to see so much activity in London though :) Maybe I won't be so bored when i get across there after all!

  2. Nah. When the weather is brilliant, it is pretty hard to be bored in London!

  3. Wow, I just spent a weekend in London, thanks to you. I enjoyed reading about this. Reminds me of a similar nude bike ride through the streets of Manhattan one day. Except, I didn't know about it before hand, and it took me & my three very young children by complete and utter surprise.

  4. I am glad I had full warning before cause based on some of the photos, my breakfast may have been at risk. lol. Still I had braced myself and I was excited to go! So mad I missed it.

  5. Awww, too bad you missed the nekkids! And I'm with you--creativity is what makes these events such a huge success!

    I have never heard of that slut comment but I can't think of anything more insulting to women everywhere. Yes, dressing like a "slut" makes it okay to sexually harass/assault a woman. Ugh. At least it started a great movement.


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