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Monday, April 4, 2011

SITS Girls Photo Challenge - Pablo

I am deep into the books so going out to take photos was not an option. But, Pablo is the star today - both of my A to Z Challenge and my Photo Challenge. His sunny disposition is battling against the grey of the London outdoors. Poor thing, he is optimistic, and has been looking outside all afternoon - waiting for the sun.

SITSGirls Photo Challenge - Pablo

SITS Girls Photo Challenge - Pablo II

SITS Photo Challenge - Pablo III


  1. That A to Z challenge is cool!

    This is the cutest teddy bear I've ever seen.

    I love how these shots give Pablo character. I totally believe he's ready to go romping about outside.

  2. Thanks loads Lynda. Looking forward to the rest of the photo challenge and the A-Z as well. The sun just came out so may take Pablo out into the garden. lol.

  3. Pablo is the nicest Teddy I have seen. I hope the sun comes out soon for him.
    You have a 'sort of mention' on my blog today thanks to Hubby. You are the young lady who 'really likes him'.
    Pablo I'll happily take you on holiday with me if you'd like...I think it's not much sunnier in Germany though.

  4. LOL. I do love the hubs. He is great. I am sure Pablo would love to go to Germany but he has to keep me company until I submit this proposal. He will get over it. lol.

  5. I love the last one with the reflection!

  6. It's amazing what changing the perspective does to the picture. Great job!

  7. Thanks ladies. I am loving this challenge already! Can't wait to see your photos over the next couple weeks.

  8. I LOVE THE LAST ONE that Pablo can see his cute little reflection :) Very professional looking girl!!

  9. Cute pictures! My kids love teddy bears, too. Just need to find a place for them. *sigh*

    ♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

  10. Thanks girls. Let's see what today brings.

  11. Oh, now I get it! I was wondering how you would make the plant the star of the photo (in my snowy window shot) but now I see several ways that you accomplished that with Pablo. He's a cutie!


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