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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nothing to Do

Nothing to do? Not really. But sounds good.
I have nothing to do.

This is not true. I have loads to do. Craploads to do. But when you don't have the crush of a deadline around your neck, it is easier to deal with life. I have to really really really start focusing on my dissertation. I have my supervisor and a general idea of the topic(s) but time to get specific. Yesterday's lecture was the first time since being here that I had a bit of a worrisome feeling about an assignment. This dissertation is going to be killer.

But I can watch tv this my socks, without feeling guilty about the assignment on my bed. I can blog without feeling guilty about doing so. I can laze in the bath, maybe listen to some music. I will still read academic journals and go crazy with stickies on Adobe Reader (best feature ever, Adobe!!!) but there is no pressure (yet). I just have to ensure that I don't become too complacent to the point where time passes and there is in fact pressure.

I may take the train to Oxford Street this week and just walk aimlessly through London - cause that is what we do. Students. With a wee bit of time. And have a coffee or lunch date on Saturday - cause that is what we do. But going to read today.

I'm starving. Going to get some breakfast but I don't have any coffee in the house. Dilemma. No...major crisis. But...not going to change out of my silk pyjamas either to run to the store. Dilemma.

THIS is when not having some poor sod on speed dial to get you stuff is a real headache. Stuff like warm pastries and coffee for lazy Tuesday breakfast while I watch Giuliana & Bill!!!

But at least I got these yesterday. :-)

Purty purty flowers...

I was one of those silly people on the train yesterday afternoon. And that was very amusing to me, but very sweet and smile-inducing.


  1. What 'purty flowers' :) Yes, it's much easier to put off the stuff you don't want to do. Just ask my son...he's a master at it. He has three assignments to do and spent the weekend watching films and washing his car (which ordinarily he never cleans).
    Good luck....must check out stickies on Adobe now...intrigued.

  2. I love days when there is no pressure to be anywhere or to get anything done.

    Live it up!

  3. Gorgeous flowers!

    It does feel good to not have to do anything! I remember when I was in school and all of my assignments and studying was finished and I had nothing to do, it felt strange but amazing. As a mother, there are days sort of like that. I went away alone one weekend and it was so weird not having to feed/change/clean-up!

    Beautiful flowers you received as well!!

  4. Thanks girls. The flowers are really beautiful. I love flowers!

    I have been enjoying doing nothing but it really cannot last.


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