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Friday, February 11, 2011

I am a Hot, Doggy Mess

Richard Gere and the little Akita pup, in Hachi
I always put the tv on when having a meal. I usually put it on on BBC or a channel I know I would not get glued to, so when I am done eating I can get back to work. But it was still on one of the movie channels after I watched the end of Valentine's Day this morning (go figure) and Hachi - A Dog's Tale was on. Anyone who knows me knows I absolutely love dogs. And there has not been a dog movie yet that has not made me cry. So I said to myself after sitting with my sandwich and my apple pie - bad idea, bad idea, bad idea, bad idea, bad idea.

But it was too late. I always already glued to it. And I was hooked. And like every other dog movie, I bawled. It is really something else - the genre that never fails to make me cry. I sat there crying over my apple pie - no, bawling. Thank God I was home alone. The movie was so sad. Oh my gosh. If you have not seen it yet, do! Really incredible and based on a true story. Hachi also reminded me of my own dog who we lost some time ago. It's just bloody sad all round, dammit. I am now a flaming hot mess, and need to probably go read the news or about Lindsay Lohan to make me all cynical and bitter again so I can get on with it.

Why can't people be like dogs? When women say men are dogs, it is such an insult to the dog, because they are loving and loyal creatures.

I really miss having a dog.

Going to compose myself and get back to work. I may be back but really had to share.


  1. I absolutely love this movie! I saw it for the first time last March and fell in love. It was such an amazing movie. I love dogs although I have never had one, my mom hates pets of all kinds. This movie just made me want a dog even more and yes I did bawl my eyes out too. I felt so bad for Hachi. Oh now I have to go read a newspaper too. Thanks for sharing :D

  2. You MUST get a dog. Your life would be changed forever. They are the best and most loving and loyal creatures. Hachi proved that!


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