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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

From Mum-Ra to She-Ra

The way I was feeling up to 5 minutes ago:

The way I feel now, after my Rituals mochaccino.

A barista has the power to transform crotchety, bitchy, exhausted women into goddesses with the whirr of his espresso machine. Forget doctors and lawyers and executives, ladies. Marry a barista!

My nephew was sick yesterday with a bit of a cold, so had to stay out later than usual to take his mum back home as my brother is back at work for the week. I came home to answer emails and fell asleep over the laptop and over my Cheerios. It also meant home made macaroni and cheese for lunch cause that is all I could muster on .5% power.

I also have one more day of foolish phone calls to deal with. I had placed an ad in the paper, putting Goldie, my lovely car, up for sale. It went in a flash but since I had paid for the ad to run for a week, it meant I would get calls for the duration. I have gotten genuine, normal callers, and some weird, annoying callers. The best one was this morning

Me: Hello
Man: Yeah. I calling about the car for sale
Me: I am sorry. Someone bought it already
Man: What? Already? But yuh just put this today!
Me: No. The ad has been in the paper since last week.
Man: But I eh see this ad and I checking the paper everyday
Me: (getting annoyed) Okay. Wellllllll, is this my fault?
Man: I just saying I now seeing this today and I buy papers everyday and checking everyday
Me: Okay sir. Well anyway, the car has been sold. Sorry
Man: So if yuh sell it, why the ad still in the papers?
Me: (this man for real?) That's how classifieds work, sir. They print it for as long as the payment allows.
Man: Well yuh make me waste a phone call. How long the car gone?
Me: Sir, I am sorry. The car has been sold. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for calling.

I think I tolerated him real long. The worst is giving Trinis access to your personal space. They shit in it.

Also, as I watch the Budget presentation, can someone tell me why on earth, in 2010, in Trinidad and Tobago, are we still using, instead of modern closed captioning, some fuddy duddy woman in a circle in the corner of my screen using sign language? I mean...REALLY???


  1. that classifieds thing sucks, you should be able to pull the ad with 2 days notice or something. oh well, the sale of goldie should cover the cost for that right?

    As for the fuddy duddy lady, i quite like the signing, but why must the signers always be in this haze with that awful red background?!?!?!?

  2. The ad cost like $60 for the week. $60 for Trini phone entertainment. Today is the last day of this nonsense, thankfully


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