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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beauty by Trininista

Someone remarked that I looked so fresh and pretty yesterday. I put some effort into making my hair a bit neater than the day before, and did a fantastic eyeshadow job which always works to lift my mood. Yesterday I really made the effort to look as good as I did not feel. And I succeeded. I looked stellar even though I felt like crap. There are some days when you get out of bed physically but the spirit and the mojo don't quite get the idea and they stay under the covers.  It may seem like it would take some doing to get yourself from Mumra to She-Ra, but my solution, as I outlined to my colleague, is quite simple.

A good cleanser - I like L'Oreal's Go 360 Clean, because it is good for my oily skin and it also comes with the cute green scrubby which fits neatly in the bottle. Great packaging for the woman on the go.

My secret weapon - Because I have oily skin, I never leave home without my Clean and Clear oil absorbent sheets, but I have also discovered Herbalism from Lush, which after a good cleanser, really makes the skin softer and drags away any leftover oil. And you don't need to use a lot. It's an awesome product and really jumpstarts my day.

Moisturiser - I use Pond's Clarant B3 because it is again, a great matte moisturiser for oily skin and does not give that greasy look. At night though, I use a combo of Vitamin E oil and a night time moisturiser to keep the youth alive and the laugh lines at bay.

And of course...even if you're not going the full monty with the makeup (bring on the awesome shadows from MAC during the work week for me), mascara never hurt anyone. I love Clinique and Maybelline XXL Extensions for my fine lashes. A touch of lipgloss and you're ready to show the world that even in the face of questions, doubts, frustration and exhaustion, you're a star!

So what is your daily morning beauty regime?


  1. Lusssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Oh my goodness, that is heaven for skin!! I wold know, I used to work there. As for daily morning beauty regime?!?!? You are funny. Some eyeshadow (I feel you with the way that picks me up), mascara and gloss (after I have my breakfast at the office, lord!) I actually do a night regime - cleanse or scrub with St. Ives Cleanser/Makeup remover or Invigorating Apricot Scrub, then tone with Simple witchhazel toner, which I must say is quite effective. No moisturiser these days, but ah hadd get me some Lush!

  2. when I go to Lush, it is a struggle not to buy every soap,every cream, every scrub. their stuff is so good. I love the Buffy soap too...good for the dry weather effects on the backside and thighs. lol

  3. You mean the Buffy body bar (uber moisturiser)!!!! I lived on that for years. Hmmm, need to restock yes!

  4. Yes girl. Buffy is da truth! I always have my cousin or anyone coming from London smuggle me in a piece of Buffy.

  5. thank you for linking up!! I wonder if herbalism would work for my hubbs... he gets really oily!


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