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Friday, May 28, 2010

Rising Fashion and Style

I still refuse to discuss politics in any great detail online, but I can discuss politicians and their style. Now image is important as a leader, and I think we have been fortunate to have had some dashing leading men lead Trinidad and Tobago. Say what you want about Mr Manning, he was a dapper PM. The man could rock a suit. Mr Panday also looked damn sharp, and my consummate leader is Arthur Napoleon Raymond Robinson. Class.

So now we have a female PM and perhaps as a woman she will be under the microscope more than her male predecessors. But we almost did not get there. Thank God for makeovers, because she went from frumpy tantie to hot mama. Once the election campaigning had begun, she started coming out of the Dark Ages - lost that stringy hair that did nothing for her face or to add youth, clearly she went on some type of fitness plan and the clothes were better fitting. So we went from this, the washed up granny look -

to this, rocking her Prime Ministerial debut in a stunning green suit.

Small bit of advice though, Madame PM - the eye makeup is not suited for a woman of your age and in fact you look like a racoon. But other than that, simply beautiful. Keep it up! Perhaps you can suggest that your stylist give your husband a once-over, no...a twice-over, cause buddy...your wife looks really good. Try to keep up. I just hope she NEVER EVER wears that awful hood rattish yellow nail polish again in life! Kamla, you're almost 60...please!

As for the AG who was also sworn in on Wednesday - God, I have no words to describe this get up. I could not believe he was going to enforce the laws of our land in this outfit. This is a crime in itself. These pinstripes can be seen from the blimp! And he was brave to stand next to his sharp PM in this nightmare outfit.

I don't foresee the chick who replaced Mickela Panday getting a Ministerial job, but if she does, can someone send her to a hairdresser and to the MAC store? Your predecessor was sharp, man. What is this?

Her claim to fame is that she is the youngest MP in the house at age 29, but girl...represent nah man. I saw her on tv last night and wow...needs help.

I hope the other Ministers/MPs will be on point today because I have my eyes on you!

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