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Monday, May 24, 2010

Life without a Microwave!!

On Saturday morning I made my way first to the gym (at 5am) and then rushed home to make sure I got a much coveted parking spot in front my salon. Of course, you ask, what about breakfast? Well, this will sound just terrible especially as I just mentioned that I went to the GYM at 5am, but I had a small piece of macaroni pie with some stripped beef in the fridge, and the aim was to pop it into the microwave and rush back out of the house and eat it on the way (I was hungry!), in the carpark, or under the dryer. As I popped open the microwave door, there it was - the click that pushed me back into the Stone Ages. My microwave door was broken, so ultimately my microwave was dead.

The horror!

How does one live without a microwave?

I still took the bowl with the cold, stiff lunch-breakfast inside to the salon, where my hairdresser warmed it up for me using her microwave, but yesterday I had to warm up lunch with the help of my cute pyrex dish and the oven. The light a match, take forever to warm up crap oven.

There are a couple things I don't think I can live without - tv (with cable, not this local tv nonsense), computer (with internet of course...duh) and a microwave. My days start early and end late, which means my meals start in the fridge and end with 2 minutes in the microwave. When you're hungry after a long day and a hard workout, who has time to plate crap into an oven friendly dish and wait for 10 minutes or whatever for the food to get warm?

And don't start lecturing me either about food, because I do actually cook but with my days the way they are, cooking usually means one big adventure on a Sunday, and Zip Loc bowls portioning out the results. So I am not a slave to the frozen food section of my Hi-Lo, nor am I a Ramen noodle kinda girl. But homestyle food in the fridge still needs a microwave!!!

The funny thing is, when my mum bought that microwave about 13 years ago, it cost $2500. A microwave now is a staple and costs next to nothing. A staple I need to get soon.

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